Thursday, September 5, 2013

IPads in the Classroom

We officially have 5 IPads for use in the classroom.  I am very excited to implement the use of this new technology.  I have already reviewed several apps for use like KidBlog, Class Dojo, and Vocabulary Spelling City, and many more.  I am hoping to use them for collaborative projects, research, review, and games - there are so many different uses and apps out there it's nearly impossible to choose only a few.  I will keep everyone posted on any apps used in the classroom, especially if they can be valuable resources used at home.

Now ...this new technology is a privilege we have in the classroom.  There are rules that must be followed in order to maintain and benefit from our IPads.  

1. Always use two hands when carrying the IPad to and from your seat.
2. Stay seated when using the IPad.
3. Tap the screen gently! There will be no slamming, throwing, hitting, etc.  
4. Stay on the app or website you're supposed to be on.

These are our classroom rules regarding IPads.  If a student fails to follow these rules, their IPad privileges will be revoked.

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